Šifra: 14-335631

Schleich Horse Club 13860 Holsteiner Foal

✰✰✰✰✰ (ocijenilo korisnika: 0)
  • Dostupno na skladištu dobavljača

  • Vrijeme isporuke:
    Unutar 3-14 radnih dana.

  • Cijena dostave za ovaj artikl iznosi 5,00 €.
    Za kupnje iznad 260 € dostava je besplatna.

Schleich Horse Club Holstein Foal 13860

  • All Schleich figures are modelled true to detail, lovingly hand-painted and stand for educationally valuable playing.
  • Holsteiners are particularly talented jumping horses.
  • From the very first days of their lives, the foals jump over small obstacles with joy and energy. The real jumping training starts at the age of 2-3 years. At the age of 5-6, the horse has developed enough muscles to be able to carry the rider while jumping.
  • The first letter in the name of a male Holsteiner foal must correspond to the first letter of its fathers name.

Not suitable for children under the age of 3 years. Choking hazard due to small parts.

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Age Recommendation: Age 3+
Series: Horse Club
Dimensions (cm): 10,2 x 2,2 x 8,2

Age Recommendation
0 - 2 Years: No
3 - 4 Years: Yes
5 - 6 Years: Yes
7 - 8 Years: Yes
9 - 11 Years: Yes
Age 12+: Yes

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