Šifra: 14-511350

1x2 Panasonic Evolta Baby C LR 14 LR14EGE/2BP - baterije

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  • Dostupno na skladištu dobavljača

  • Vrijeme isporuke:
    Unutar 3-14 radnih dana.

  • Cijena dostave za ovaj artikl iznosi 5,00 €.
    Za kupnje iznad 260 € dostava je besplatna.

Panasonic Evolta LR 14 Baby - Developed to meet the power needs of today's electronic appliances. Evolta combines Evolution and Voltage. EVOLTA comes from the words "Evolution" and "Voltage." Evolution signifies "growth" and voltage symbolizes "unprecedented power." EVOLTA affords people more convenience and comfort everyday by offering excellent performance.
Panasonic recognizes that power consumption in electronic devices is constantly changing. Due to the decline of electric consumption in high-drain devices like digital still cameras, the demand for long-lasting batteries for any type of equipment (from low- to high-drain products) is on the rise.
Responding to market demand, Panasonic developed EVOLTA.

  • 1x2 Evolta LR 14 Baby

Alternative item description: Baby, LR14, AM2, L, MN1400, 814, E93, LR14N, 14A, KC, R14, BA3042, U7522, UM2, 1/2 Torcia

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Pošaljite nam upit
Chemical System: Alkaline
Type: Standard Battery
Shape: Baby (C)

Voltage (V): 1,5

Number of Packs: 1
Number of Batteries: 2
Diameter (mm): 25,7
Height (mm): 50
Weight (g): 68,7

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