Šifra: 14-675131

One for All Streaming Remote URC7935 Remote Control

✰✰✰✰✰ (ocijenilo korisnika: 0)
24,10 €
  • Dostupno na skladištu dobavljača

  • Vrijeme isporuke:
    Unutar 3-14 radnih dana.

  • Cijena dostave za ovaj artikl iznosi 5,00 €.
    Za kupnje iznad 260 € dostava je besplatna.

Streamer remote control URC 7935


  • Quick access to your favorite streaming services
  • Back-illuminated keyboard
  • Not compatible with NOW TV Smart Stick
  • Number of devices: 3
  • Amplifier / Tuner / Soundbar / Hi-Fi
  • Streaming Box (Apple TV, Roku, Kodi)
  • Batteries are not included.
  • Backlight
  • Smart activities
  • Learning/Copying
  • SimpleSet - Configuration in 3 simple steps

Seamless control of your streaming, TV and audio devices
For the best possible navigation: Once you have set up your three end devices, certain buttons are responsible for controlling the TV and/or soundbar, while the remaining buttons control the streaming box. This allows you to control three devices as if they were one.

Freely selectable feedback colors
The color ring informs you which device you are currently controlling - either via the preset device colors or freely selectable desired colors.

Quick access to your favorite streaming services
The streaming remote has 4 convenient direct selection buttons for your favorite streaming service. So you're just one button away from Amazon Prime, YouTube, Netflix or any other online streaming app.

Use every function of your original remote control
The streaming remote is not only easy to set up. By copying functions from your original remote control with the convenient learning function, you can easily customize this remote control to your needs.


Please note that the streamer remote can only operate infrared-based devices. It is not compatible with Sky Ticket TV Stick (Roku Stick).

Trebate dodatne informacije o ovom artiklu?

Pošaljite nam upit
princip prijenosa: Infracrveno
Zaslon: ne

opskrba energijom
Vrsta baterije/punjive baterije: AAA (Micro)
Potreban broj: 4

boja: crna
Širina (mm): 41
Visina (mm): 155
dubina (mm): 21

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