Šifra: 14-726427

Levenhuk Wezzer BASE L20 Thermohygrometer black

✰✰✰✰✰ (ocijenilo korisnika: 0)
15,70 €
  • Dostupno na skladištu dobavljača

  • Vrijeme isporuke:
    Unutar 3-14 radnih dana.

  • Cijena dostave za ovaj artikl iznosi 5,00 €.
    Za kupnje iznad 260 € dostava je besplatna.

Levenhuk Wezzer BASE L20 Thermohygrometer

The Levenhuk Wezzer BASE L20 thermohygrometer is a compact device for wall mounting. It registers the temperature and humidity values in the room and records the highest and lowest values. It also displays the trends indicating changes in the weather parameters. This provides an excellent way to monitor changes in the microclimate in a bedroom, a children's room, an office room or a country house.

The display of the Levenhuk Wezzer BASE L20 shows the measured values. At the top of the display you can see the humidity with its limit values for the past day; the arrows next to the numbers indicate rising or falling trends in the current readings. Directly below this, the temperature data is displayed. There is a coloured scale at the bottom of the display for evaluating the comfort level in the room. Depending on the humidity, it shows the levels "LOW" (low, below 40 %), "OK" (comfortable, 40-70 %) or "HIGH" (high, 7 over 70 %).


  • Precise temperature and humidity measurements at the measuring locations
  • The limit values are shown on the display
  • Arrows indicating trends in falling and rising values
  • Colour-coded scale for comfort level

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Pošaljite nam upit
tip /vrsta: Termometar / higrometar

vanjski odašiljač: ne
Barometar: ne
Vrijednost CO2: ne
Higrometar: da
kišomjer: ne
Vjetrometar: ne
Upozorenje o oluji: ne

zasnovan na satelitu: ne
Vremenska prognoza: ne
Funkcija budilice: ne

tehnički podaci
Raspon mjerenja unutarnje temperature (°C): -10 ... +70
Točnost unutarnje temperature (°C): +/- 1
Mjerni raspon vlage unutar (rel. H. u %): 20 - 95
Točnost unutarnje vlažnosti (rel. H. u %): +/- 1

Zaslon: da

Vlažnost : da
Temperatura: da
pokazatelj temperature: °C
Najviša-/ Najniža temperatura: da

Vremenska stanica za napajanje energijom
Opskrba energijom: Baterije
Vrsta baterije/punjive baterije: AAA (Micro)
Potreban broj baterija / punjivih baterija: 2

Moguća montaža na zid : da

boja: crna

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