Šifra: 14-823874

Trousselier Magical Nightlight with Music, Ocean

✰✰✰✰✰ (ocijenilo korisnika: 0)
68,70 €

Istaknuta cijena odnosi se na gotovinsko, virmansko i kartično jednokratno plaćanje.

Cijena za obročno plaćanje: 73,17 €
2 x 36,58 € | 3 x 24,39 € | 6 x 12,19 €
12 x 6,10 € | 24 x 3,05 € | 36 x 2,03 €
  • Dostupno na skladištu dobavljača

  • Vrijeme isporuke:
    Unutar 3-14 radnih dana.

  • Cijena dostave za ovaj artikl iznosi 5,00 €.
    Za kupnje iznad 260 € dostava je besplatna.

Trousselier Magic Night Light with Music, Little Prince

Modern interpretation of the magic lantern! Once activated, this feature allows stars to be projected onto the nursery ceiling. Ideal for adding a starry night atmosphere to the children's room. You can select up to 4 pre-installed lullabies. You can also stream your own music or other voice files wirelessly via your smartphone or tablet. Cry detector: The nightlight detects your child's crying and automatically turns back on to soothe them. While the child continues to sleep, the night light conserves its battery! This nightlight has a rechargeable battery with a charging capacity that allows it to run for 5 days with 30 minutes of use per day.


  • Age recommendation: From 3 years and older 
  • Choice of 4 lullabies 
  • Dimensions: 18.5 x 18.5 x 21 cm

Trebate dodatne informacije o ovom artiklu?

Pošaljite nam upit
svjetlosni tip: Noćno svijetlo
Funkcija uspavanke: da

automatsko prekidanje: da

opskrba energijom
Način rada: Baterije
Vrsta baterije/punjive baterije: AA Mignon
Potreban broj: 3
Maks. vrijeme gorenja (sati): 30

Dimenzije (mm): 185 x 185 x 210
boja: višebojno

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