Makita 191Y44-2, 8-tooth whirling blade 200 mm
The 8-tooth whirling blade is suitable for cutting back overgrown shrubs, pesky weeds, grass and reeds. It effectively cuts through thin branches, scrub and wild growth.
- Metal blade with eight teeth
- Ideal for effective removal of wild growth, thin woody plants, grasses, reeds and branching shrubs.
- Bore: 25.4 mm
- Diameter: 200 mm
- Number of teeth: 8
- Quantity: 1
Makita jamstvo: 24 mj (potrebno je predočiti račun i ovjereni jamstveni list),
osim za čavlerice, kompresore, generatore, osobnu zaštitnu opremu, baterije i visokotlačne perače, gdje je jamstvo 12 mj.
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