Šifra: 14-865566

1x4 Duracell Plus Mignon MN1500 AA LR6 1,5V

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  • Dostupno na skladištu dobavljača

  • Vrijeme isporuke:
    Unutar 3-14 radnih dana.

  • Cijena dostave za ovaj artikl iznosi 5,00 €.
    Za kupnje iznad 260 € dostava je besplatna.

1x4 Duracell Plus Mignon MN1500 AA LR6 1.5V

Duracell Plus AAA batteries are alkaline batteries that are ideal for powering your everyday electronic devices and have a long service life. Unused Duracell batteries remain fully operational for up to 10 years if stored at room temperature. Duracell recommends these batteries for everyday electronic devices such as digital cameras, photo flashes, toys or portable speakers. Of course, they are also suitable for frequently used devices such as torches, portable game controllers, razors, toothbrushes, etc.


  • Cell size: AA (Mignon)
  • IEC designation: LR6
  • System: Alkaline (AlMn) 
  • Voltage: 1.5 volts
  • Service life: very long-lasting 
  • Leak protection: Yes 
  • Height: 50.5 mm
  • Diameter: 14.5 mm
  • Storage: can be stored for up to 10 years at room temperature 
  • Packaging: blister, plastic-free
  • Quantity: 4 pieces

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Pošaljite nam upit
Kemijski sustav: alkalni
Tip: Standardna baterija
Dizajn: Mignon (AA)

Napon (V): 1,5

Broj (pakiranja): 1
Količina (baterije): 4
Promjer (mm): 14,5
Visina (mm): 50,5

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